About Us

Welcome to the online medical conference and event platform created in collaboration by MDLA, MIMEEA, and CN1699.

MDLA (Macau Digital Library Association)

Vision and Mission:

MDLA is dedicated to enhancing global medical education and research by providing access to high-quality medical literature resources and organizing academic exchange activities. Our vision is to promote progress and innovation in global medical education through open and shared resources.

Main Activities:

  • Donation of Medical Literature and Resources: Providing partner schools with independent websites to access a wealth of medical resources.
  • Organizing Academic Exchange Activities: Supporting course exchanges, seminars, forums, and conferences for medical universities and educational institutions worldwide through our online platform, fostering collaboration among medical experts, scholars, and students.
  • Providing Technical Support: Enhancing the efficiency and reach of library resources with advanced library management tools.

MIMEEA (Macau International Medical Exhibition and Exchange Association)

Background and Mission:

MIMEEA promotes international medical academic conferences to facilitate global academic exchange and cooperation in the medical field, advancing and improving the quality of medical education and research both in Macau and worldwide.

Main Activities:

  • Organizing International Medical Conferences: Bringing together medical experts, scholars, and researchers from around the world to share knowledge and engage in academic exchange.
  • Promoting Academic Collaboration: Partnering with major medical universities and research institutions to foster cross-border research and innovation.
  • Providing a Communication Platform: Establishing a diverse academic exchange platform to support the continuous development and progress of the medical community.

CN1699 Introduction

CN1699 is a global media platform focused on the healthcare industry. We collaborate with medical associations, hospitals, medical universities, laboratories, enterprises, and brands through digital tools, online media, journals, medical exhibitions, and conferences, providing a wealth of industry information and resources.

Main Resources:

  • Medical Paper Library Database: Offering extensive medical and clinical research papers for reference by the academic community and medical professionals.
  • Library Management Tools: Providing advanced tools to help partners efficiently manage library resources.
  • Exhibition Media Partnerships: Collaborating with renowned conference organizers globally to promote and support medical exhibitions and conferences.

CN1699’s Support for MDLA and MIMEEA

CN1699 not only provides MDLA with rich library resources and management tools but also promotes and supports MDLA’s academic exchange activities through its global media platform. Additionally, as a media partner, CN1699 supports MIMEEA in organizing and promoting international medical academic conferences, ensuring these events are widely disseminated and attract more participants.